A Chronicle of The Wolf Pack

  • angelfire

    Angelfire: Tales of the Hellfighters Volume I

    The Kingdom of Niv is a nation at peace, the battles with hostile tribes that once threatened its borders long over. A strange new enemy is now striking at the kingdom's underbelly, though, and the farmers and tradesmen of a sleepy and remote forest village will be forced to take up arms or perish.

    They are farmers, family men, and retired soldiers doing what they must to protect their community. They are young men and women coming of age in the shadow of this looming threat. They are Hellfighters and this is their story.

    Time will not dim the glory of their deeds.

  • halos on fire

    Halos on Fire: Tales of the Hellfighters Volume 2

    Eighty years have passed since the initial invasion, but the Hellfighters of Angelfire Division still stand ready to defend the people of Antioch from the Dread. They have forgotten the face of their true enemy, though, and while the Star Striders may have been consigned to history by the generations between the first Hellfighters and those who now proudly carry the title, one stalwart captain and his brother know their enemy has not been idle. Together, they are determined to stop the threat before it manifests.

    They are faithful soldiers surrounded by enemies and asked an impossible task by fate and those they love. They are men returning home to finally face their destiny, drawn into a conflict beyond their understanding. They are Hellfighters and this is their story.

    Time will not dim the glory of their deeds.

  • Those Who Know the Storm

    Those Who Know the Storm: Tales of the Hellfighters Volume 3

    Gideon Hargrove never dreamed he would leave the ranks of the Angelfire Hellfighters. Antioch is gone, though, and Gideon has his wife's well being to consider. While his brothers in arms are less than forgiving, he does what he can to keep the faith. He and the Hellfighters will need one another, after all. Their ancient enemy is still working toward their own mysterious ends and Angelfire is all that stands between them and victory.

    They are veteran soldiers playing the hand they've been dealt to the best of their abilities. They are men full of guilt and anger, hated by the people they failed to protect. They are Hellfighters and this is their story. Time will not dim the glory of their deeds." like all of the other Hellfighter blurbs.

  • War of Shadows and Ghosts

    War of Shadows and Ghosts: Tales of the Hellfighters Volume 4

    After so many frustrating years trying to prove the Corilium exist, vindication has been a welcome relief for the weary survivors of Angelfire Division. Of course, knowing the Star Striders exist and capturing an enemy so adept at remaining hidden are two very different matters. Spurred on by his need for answers, Hauk Ahola continues to hunt the Hellfighters' bitterest enemies while balancing his complicated personal life.

    They are soldiers carrying the guilt of a fallen army on their shoulders. They are men torn between their love of family and their duty to their brothers in arms. They are Hellfighters and this is their story.

    Time will not dim the glory of their deeds.